Meet the Team at Red Ball 17 Levels
ItsMaximum is the founder of Red Ball 17 Levels. Red Ball 17 Levels is the greatest red ball flash gaming website ever created (scientifically proven btw). Red Ball 17 Levels is the ONLY place to find the original red ball 1 with all 12 main levels AND the 5 bonus levels! This massive feat was achieved by changing a boolean from false to true. ItsMaximum is truly an inspiration to us all.
BNMC0919 is a truly remarkable gamer who slaved away for hours uploading th highest quality red ball music by pressing a button in JPEXS and downloading an apk file from the internet. Truly inspirational effort from this (wo)man. She can also go fast in some red ball games and is making a red ball inspired platformer in JavaScript releasing whenever she feels like working on it ooohMotorjam:
Motorjam is a highly-skilled graphic artist that has poured countless hours into making look the best it can possibly be. He is a moderator for the red ball series on, and he holds 2nd place in Red Ball 4 Vol.1 Any%. What a GAMER! He is also the creator of Red Ball 4 Vol.Nice, an impeccable, exhillerating red ball 4 hack. Nice!ThatOneGuy_nnn:
ThatOneGuy_nnn had the WR in Red Ball 4 vol. 1 without the use of CHEATS, but he now stands in second place. This man is truly inspirational as he took away from societal norms by not using the DJ hack. (His words, not mine)YTK_Bowser:
YTK_Bowser is an inspiration to the Red Ball Community for speedrunning. Even though he only has a few records (and did hold the record in Red Ball 3), he is mostly known for inspiring new eras in the community. In the summer, he streamed very frequently and came up with the idea for Category Extensions and IL's for all the games. He is also the only person to finish every red ball game in one sitting in something called Extended Series which took way too long. Then he made Red and Blue Balls a game on by completing a painful run and inspired THE Motorjam himself to invent buddy bouncing making Red and Blue Balls a decent speedgame. His contributions are honored by his fellow peers as he continues to try and improve current records.